Joyce Greenberg holds a Masters of Acupuncture from the Northwest Institute of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She is a National Board Certified acupuncturist and licensed in the State of Washington where she has a private practice in Seattle. Joyce has also been a consulting acupuncturist at the Kline Galland Nursing home and currently is an acupuncture provider for Gentiva Hospice. She treats people of every age, in every life stage, specializing in complementary health care, palliative acupuncture and end-of-life care.
From 1997 – 2008, Joyce studied Yi Ren Qigong with Dr. Guan Cheng Sun from the Institute of Qigong and Integrative Medicine. Through the practice of Yi Ren Qigong, Joyce successfully went into remission from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She applies her own self-healing experience as a foundation for supporting her clients in developing their personal self-care practices.
In 2010, she completed a chaplain residency through the Clinical Pastoral Education program at Harborview Medical Center and worked for many years as a per diem spiritual care provider.
Joyce is author of the blog (Daily Self Cure) where she shares the many remedies and activities that nourish and enliven her life. As a writer and practitioner, she communicates with compassion, clarity, humor and insight. She enjoys ceramic sculpting and food-production gardening on her urban farm (Parsley Farm).